"What has your attention steers your direction and direction, not intentions, determines your destination." The Principle of Path

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Weaver Christmas Devotion
December 24, 2017

(To Kids) Who can tell me of a job they have at home? If you had one job, that is, if you had to pick just one job that was the most important, what would it be? I know Eli watches ESPN Game Day on Saturday mornings. Tell us about a segment they call “You Had One Job.” I thought it would be fun to look at the Christmas story this morning with that in mind. Let's identify the one job, the most important job, each of the Christmas story characters had.

Let's begin with Mary and Joseph. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was but a young lady with one job in that day; to marry and have children; to be a good wife and a good mother. Her parents arranged for her to wed a man named Joseph. He found Mary favorable and consented to marry her. It was agreed upon by their parents that Mary and Joseph were to be married. They were betrothed, meaning they were essentially married but not yet living together. You see, Joseph had to prepare a place for the two of them to live, after which, he would come with a parade of his friends and take her to their new home to live as husband and wife. So, Mary had one job, to be the wife of Joseph and Joseph had one job, to prepare a home for them to live.

But something very unexpected occurred. Mary was going to have a baby and this was before she went to live with Joseph. When her parents heard the news they were very upset with Mary for they feared this would ruin everything, for she and Joseph were not yet officially married. What do you suppose they might have said to Mary? “Mary, you had one job.!” Little did they know an angel of the Lord had visited Mary and explained to her that she was to be with child from the Lord and that this child would be great and be called the son of the Most High and His name was to be Jesus, which means “Jehovah God Saves”.

Now when Joseph got word of Mary's condition, his close friends and family were outraged and told Joseph he should save his own reputation and publicly shame her and send her away from him. But the Bible tells us that Joseph being a kind and good man desired not to disgrace Mary, but to send her away secretly. Now what do you suppose his friends and family had to say to Joseph? “You had one job!” But guess what? An angel appeared to Him as well. In a dream, the angel told him not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife. He told Joseph, as he had told Mary, that the child was of the Holy Spirit just as it was foretold hundreds of years ago and written in the Scriptures. His name was to be Jesus because he will save people from their sins.

And so Mary and Joseph were married but soon after they had to make a long trip from their town of Nazareth to Bethlehem. This was the town that Joseph family had originally come from and they were required by law to go to their home town to be counted. So Mary and Joseph set off for the long journey. When they finally reached their destination, Joseph knew that he now had a new job; to love and care for Mary and her baby. First, he must find a place for them to stay for Mary was very close to giving birth to Jesus. He tried the inn, but was told there was no room for them there, but the inn keeper told them they could stay in his stable, where the animals were kept. So when Joseph went to Mary to tell her where they would be staying, what do you suppose Mary could have said to Joseph? “Joseph, you had one job!” I think, however, she probably was more respectful and much kinder to Joseph.

Just outside of Bethlehem on a hillside were shepherds keeping watch over their flocks of sheep at night. They had to keep a careful eye out for lions or wolves that would want to kill and eat their sheep or thieves who might sneak up in the cover of darkness to try and steal them. You see, these were not just any ordinary sheep, they were special sheep being raised for a special purpose. They would be taken to Jerusalem a short distance away where the Temple was located. There at the Temple, the sheep would be killed and the blood of the lambs was a sign of the very blood that Jesus would shed for all people, that their sins would be forgiven. So it was not just by chance Jesus was born in Bethlehem and for this reason Jesus is known as the Lamb of God. Then, all of a sudden, the sky lit up and suddenly an angel stood before them. The shepherds were terribly frightened but the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid for I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all people, for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign for you; you will find a baby wrapped in cloths lying in a manger.” And suddenly a multitude of angels appeared in the sky praising God and shouting, “Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace and goodwill toward men whom He is well pleased.” When the angels left them, they said to each other, “Lets us go straight to Bethlehem then and see this thing that has happened which the Lord has made known to us.” So they left their sheep and immediately departed toward Bethlehem. Now let me ask you, what was their one job? They were to keep watch over their sheep. But they left them. So what might you say to them? “You had one job.” However, they now had a new job, more important job; to bear witness to the Lamb of God.

Now about this same time, there were men far from the east, traveling toward Bethlehem, following a star in the sky. You see, these men might be what you call scientist today who study the motions of stars and planets in the sky. They are called astronomers. But they were more than that. They were considered very wise men that worked for their King. The studied history as well as science and math. They were taught by the wise men that came before them, one of which may have been Daniel, a young Israelite, a prophet of God, that was carried off captive from the land of Judea, where Bethlehem is located, to a country far to the east called Babylon and later Persia. He would have known the prophesy foretold of the coming Messiah and probably passed down what he knew to the younger men studying for the King, who continued to pass down this knowledge for many generations. So three such men, hundreds of years later were sent by the King to investigate what was foretold, for the time had come and a mysterious star appeared in the sky as a sign. Now when you were sent somewhere by a King, you represented the King and many saw them, such as the wisemen, as magistrates from which we get the shortened word magi. So they had one job; find this one called the Messiah. When they got to Judea, the country where Jesus was born, they first visited the King of that region and his name was King Herod. Herod asked them the reason for their visit and when the magi told them they were looking for the Messiah, the King of Kings, Herod became very upset. He did not want anyone taking away his kingdom so he gave permission to the wisemen to find the child said to be a king, so that he might worship him too. But the real reason was so that he could have him killed. The magi did find the child in Bethlehem and by this time the Bible says they found Him in a house. They presented the young child with three gifts; gold, frankincense and myrrh, but being warned by God in a dream not to return to Herod, the magi slipped out of town secretly. When Herod had heard the magi tricked him, what do you suppose he said about them? “They had one job!” Herod, in his wrath, sent his soldiers to Bethlehem and ordered them to kill every boy child 2 years of age and younger. They had one job, but an angel of God warned Joseph in a dream of what Herod was about to do and he, Mary and the child fled to Egypt and stayed there until it was safe for them to return to their hometown of Nazareth.

Jesus, God's one and only son, was sent to earth. He had one job. What do you say was His one job? He was sent to rescue us; to save us from our sins so that we can be a child of God and live with him forever. Did He succeed in His job! Most certainly, even when it meant that He would have to suffer and die on a cross. That is how much God loves us! God gave us the most precious gift of all, His son, so that we could be forgiven of our sin. This is why we celebrate His birth by giving of gifts.

Before Jesus left this earth, Jesus left us with one job. Do any of you know what that one job, the most important job, is? Jesus told His disciple right before He went up into heaven to go and teach others the things He had told them; the good news, that God loves them and their sins can be forgiven if they just put their faith and trust in Him who died for them. So you have one job. When we come face to face with Jesus someday, will he be disappointed in you if you have never told anyone else about what He did for you and what He could do for them? I am sure, to some he will say, “You had one job!”